FEANICSES 2018 Workshop

FEANICSES (2018–2022) is a Jeune Chercheuse–Jeune Chercheur project funded by the ANR, the French Research Agency.

Table of Contents

1 Coming to ISAE

2 Program

  Wed. May 23rd
9h45 Opening
10h Raphael Cohen and Paul Rousse: Example of controller verification challenges [pdf]
11h Hamza Bourbouh: CocoSim a toolchain to verify Simulink models
14h Pierre Roux: Sum-of-square optimization for verification [pdf]
15h John Hauser: Something about maneuver regulation of a reduced gravity atmospheric flight [slides-pdf] [paper]
  Thu. May 24th
10h Matthieu Martel: Program Transformations for Numerical Accuracy [pdf]
11h Xavier Thirioux: My Taylor is rich [pdf]
14h Charles Poussot-Vassal: Linear dynamical model approximation and its applications [pdf]
15h Assalé Adjé: Optimal verification of LTI discrete-time systems [pdf]
  Fri.May 25th
10h Raphael Cohen: Formal Verification of Convex Optimization Algorithms For Model Predictive Control
11h Danylo Malyuta and Dylan Janak: Polynomial Invariants Set [pdf] [github code]
14h Alexandre Chapoutot and Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto: Optimal control and sets [pdf]
15h Paul Rousse: Hybrid system simulation using IQC and paraboloids [pdf]
16h Closing

Wed. May 23rd

9h45 Opening

10h Raphael Cohen and Paul Rousse: example of controller verification challenges

Inspired by Lockheed Martin 2017 S5 presentation we will outline some properties and see how these could be analyzed at code level.

11h Hamza Bourbouh: CocoSim a toolchain to verify Simulink models

14h Pierre Roux: Sum-of-square optimization for verification

15h John Hauser: something about maneuver regulation of a reduced gravity atmospheric flight (work with Eric et Pablo)

In addition to some cool nonlinearities and positive invariance, it also has an interesting hybrid switch at zero velocity.

Thu. May 24th

10h Matthieu Martel: Program Transformations for Numerical Accuracy

12h Xavier Thirioux: My Taylor is rich

14h Charles Poussot-Vassal: Linear dynamical model approximation and its applications

15h Assalé Adjé: Optimal verification of LTI discrete-time systems

In this talk, we present a method to prove or disprove a property on a stable LTI discrete-time system. The method consists in safely replacing an infinite sequence of optimization problems by a finite number of them. This method is based on basic tools from matrix theory such as Rayleigh ratios, spectral analyses and matrix norms.

Fri.May 25th

10h Raphael Cohen: Formal Verification of Convex Optimization Algorithms For Model Predictive Control

11h Danylo Malyuta and Dylan Janak: Polynomial Invariants Set

This talk concerns the computation of positively invariant sets for uncertain, discrete-time linear systems and the corresponding synthesis of invariance-inducing controllers. Positive invariance plays an important role in robust control to guarantee the satisfaction of safety constraints under "worst case uncertainty". To describe positively invariant sets, polytopes are used since they are simple enough to certify invariance through linear programming, yet expressive enough to be applicable to a wide range of problems. In our talk, a connection will be established between invariant polytope synthesis and lattice theory, providing a foundation for set-theoretic analysis using polytopes. We will provide a tutorial overview, along with examples, of methods used for the computation of minimal and maximal positively invariant sets on a polytopic subset of the state space. The applicability, and particularity the scalability with respect to the state space dimension, of these methods will be elucidated in view of practical systems. Finally, several invariance-inducing control strategies will be proposed.

14h: Alexandre Chapoutot and Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto: Optimal control and sets

This talk introduces the main concepts of DynIBEX library that can handle differential constraints in constraint programming framework. After some examples of use, a focus on the first elements of optimal control problem solving using DynIBEX will be given.

15h Paul Rousse: Hybrid system simulation using IQC and paraboloids

3 Attendance list

  • Assalé Adjé – U. Perpignan
  • Ryma Ait Amara – U. Perpignan
  • Yamine Ait-Ameur – IRIT
  • Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto – ENSTA Paristech
  • Dorra Benkhalifa – U. Perpignan
  • Farah Benmouhoub – U. Perpignan
  • Hamza Bourbouh, NASA/SGT
  • Alexandre Chapoutot – ENSTA Paristech
  • Raphael Cohen – Georgia Tech
  • Benoît Combemale – IRIT
  • Nasrine Damouche – U. Perpignan
  • Guillaume Davy – ONERA
  • Arnaud Dieumegard – ONERA
  • Guillaume Dupont – IRIT
  • Eric Feron – Georgia Tech
  • Christophe Garion – ISAE
  • Pierre-Loïc Garoche – ONERA
  • John Hauser – U. of Colorado-Boulder
  • Didier Henrion – LAAS
  • Jérôme Hugues – ISAE
  • Dylan Janak – UW
  • Emmanuel Ledinot – Dassault Aviation
  • Danylo Malyuta – UW
  • Matthieu Martel – U. Perpignan
  • Erik Martin-Dorel – IRIT
  • Frédéric Messine – LAPLACE
  • Stefano Minopoli – UTRC
  • Charles Poussot-Vassal – ONERA
  • Paul Rousse – ONERA
  • Pierre Roux – ONERA
  • Neeraj Singh – IRIT
  • Xavier Thirioux – IRIT

Created: 2018-05-28 Mon 16:52
